Idézet a Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey Wikpedia oldaláról:
The primary target platforms are Microsoft Windows, OS X and Linux, because the developers believe "that's where [...] The Longest Journey fans are". At Gamescom 2014, RTG announced that the PlayStation 4 port will be the first console version to be released and will remain a PS4 exclusive for some time (the PC versions are not affected by the announcement and will still be released first). DFC will be playable on PlayStation Vita through the Remote Play functionality of PS4, but its RAM requirements make a direct Vita port impossible. Tørnquist has commented that RTG is working on an Xbox One port, as well, but the current Microsoft policy prevents them from publishing previously PS4-exclusive games on that console.
Nintendo approached Red Thread Games about a possible port of Dreamfall Chapters to Wii U immediately after the preproduction began, but it wasn't until July 2013 that the studio requested and received a dev kit to start working on the Wii U version. The developers consider the Wii U port "secondary" to the main target platforms. Porting the game to iOS and Android devices was one of the Kickstarter stretch goals that wasn't reached. Additional platforms, such as tablet computers and SteamOS, were also under consideration.
Lehet, hogy azóta ez változott (rákeresve nagyjából arra, hogy a másik két konzolra nem is jelenik meg), de ilyen az ilyen policy az van, de minek?
Nekem meg nagyon ki kellene próbálnom már ezt a sorozatot. Szóval valahogy kellene egy három hónapos téli szünet.:)
*rövídítettem "mi a fasz baja van"-ról.
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